Reddit web driving you nuts?

Upgrade Your Reddit Experience

Sink It is a free browser extension to supercharge your Reddit experience with improved comments navigation, adaptive dark mode, easier upvoting, and more. It also removes the use our app banners, buttons, and ads. Yeah, we loathe them too!


As featured on
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Setup in 5 Seconds

Privacy First

Why, why, WHY?

Why Should You Use Sink It?

I'm sure most of you know the BS going on with third party apps. Reddit wants me, and by extension, you to use their damned app to consume content. As a matter of principle, I refuse to install their native app where I have zero control over what's shown to me.

Harder for us to block ads and much easier for them to scoop up your data, right? To further that agenda, simply browsing their web version on Safari now means we're inundated with, well, waves of crap.

It might be a modal covering half the screen with links to the App Store, an immediate popup asking you to login, or a header screaming “the app is 10x better”. Bottomline: it has to go.

Nuke banners and buttons

De-clutter and remove most “omfg please use our app” banners and buttons.

Handle Promoted Content

View or remove promoted content.
It's your choice. Always.


Quality of Life Upgrades

Double click to upvote

Hate having to hunt around for a tiny upvote button? No more. Just double tap the comment.

Easier comments navigation

Dual navigation methods: HN style individual next button or Apollo style single fixed button.

Adaptive dark mode

Auto-engage dark mode based on your device's current mode.

Jump to top

Nothing worse than having to doom scroll back to the top of a really, really long thread, right?


The core app with all the nag and ad blocking will always be free.

Total Downloads


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Privacy First

When it comes to privacy, we don't take any chances. Sink It has been engineered from the ground up to ensure your privacy. Read more about our privacy policy here.

  • Tick All blocking happens on your device
  • Tick No data leaves your device
  • Tick No usage data (or any other data) is logged
  • Tick No in-app telemetry or crash analytics